What do horse lessons entail?
We are still hoping to kick start our 2020 Horse Lesson Season soon, but many unknowns due to covid-19. In the mean time, here is a little information on what Horse Lessons entail>>
I offer horse lessons to ALL ages, but specialize in kids! All horse lessons are geared towards the individuals desires and needs. From complete beginners with no experience, to the returning rider in refining skills and to the advanced horseman wanting to cut off seconds on timed events. Students advance at their own pace and develop skills based on their independent goals. It can be as relaxing or demanding as you prefer. Students are encouraged to stretch beyond their comfort zone, but within their ability, all while having fun! Our lesson program teaches students to correctly halter, groom, tack up, ride and care for a horse. Along with responsibility, good sportsmanship and coordination to name a few. However, horsemanship is so much more than physical riding skills, each lesson Savannah emphasizes on emotional growth, from self confidence, breaking down barriers to building trust. All while gaining that deep connection with a horse. Savannah’s passion is to give other kids what horses have given to her growing up. A break from the stress, expectations and negativities of this world so that kids can just be kids!