About The Owner
About Savannah:
As a young girl with the weight of the world’s expectations, I was drawn to the unconditional and affirming love of my horse. A hoof print on my heart was placed to help others now experience that bond of horse and rider – a freedom to trust, to hope and to love again.
I was born and raised on a buffalo ranch located just outside of Aneta, ND. From a very young age, horses have been my life. My dream has come true now that I get to share my passion with others. In 2016, I was North Dakota’s 3D NBHA Grand Champion and 2 time NBHA World Championship Qualifier.
Growing up, horses have taught me many life lessons of responsibility, dedication and resiliency. Each day, I help my students break down barriers and build trust so they can learn new skills and gain a connection with their horse. Students learn coordination, equine responsibilities, work ethic, focus and a positive attitude, while building confidence in themselves and establishing a growth mindset. Encouraging my students that dreams are attainable: step by step, stirrup by stirrup, starting again and again, until they have reached their goal.