Riding Services

Is it time to fulfill your child’s heartfelt wish of riding a horse and make their dream come true! Maybe you’re ready to put that lifelong desire to ride into action? Or you might be craving the unconditional support and love of a horse! Whatever the case may be, we have the horse for you! All sessions are geared towards the individual’s desires and where they are at in their horse journey. From complete beginners with no experience, to those seeking the love and cuddles of a horse, to the rider wanting to advance in their horseman skills. Riders advance at their own pace and develop skills based on their independent goals. It can be as relaxing or demanding as you prefer. Riders are encouraged to stretch beyond their comfort zone, but within their ability, all while having fun! Our programs teach students to correctly halter, groom, tack up, ride and care for a horse. Along with responsibility, good sportsmanship and coordination to name a few. However, horsemanship is so much more than physical riding skills, each session Savannah emphasizes on emotional growth, from self confidence, breaking down barriers to building trust. All while gaining that deep connection with a horse. Savannah’s passion is to give others what horses have been to her – A break from the hustle and bustle, expectations and negativities of this world!


Individual: $85 (50mins) This session provides 1:1 time with instructor and horse.

Small Group: $60/rider (50-75mins) the group can be made up of siblings or we can pair you with other riders with similar personalities and abilities.

Mini Individual: $65 (30mins) Geared towards ages 3-6yrs old. This condensed session is a great introductory to horses.

Healing Through Horses: $85 (50mins) Healing through horses is a powerful experience!  Equine assisted healing is a gentle approach where we let the horses work their magic!  

Additional Time:  $45 – Add 25mins to your session to get a more in-depth dive into horsemanship or focusing on more specific goals.

TRAVELING – If you have your own horse and would prefer not to haul to us, we are happy to come to you!
75 cents/mile + session cost.

Scouts Horsemanship Badge

Boy & Girl Scout Horse Badge

Earn your Girl Scout or Boy Scout Badges at our barn!  Hoof Prints on the Heart Equestrian Center invites your troop to visit our barn to learn and experience the world of horses.  We offer programs for both Boy and Girl Scout horse educational badge. From learning how to properly groom, tack up and ride the horse.  Along with, how much a horse eats and drinks daily, horse care and anatomy, to barn chores and of course some fun horse activities!  ALL is taught with hands on experience!  Book your troop’s event soon, we fill up fast!

-Please wear closed toed shoes and long pants.

-Helmets are provided.

-Parents must sign a Liability Form before their child rides.

Price: $25 per scout (1 – 2 hours, depending on number of scouts – 6 scout minimum)

Hoofprints Ranch Field Trips

Hands-On Experience

Savannah (owner), has a deep passion to expose horses and the ‘Farm Life’ to anyone, in any way that she can, whomever would benefit from it!  Field Trips are one of her favorite ways to give kids the hands on experience and a fun exposure to the Farm Atmosphere! Our Field Trips include a hands on experience of horses, from grooming, to riding, to treat feeding, and learning about horse care.  And let’s not forget about seeing the buffalo, petting the cats and dogs and more farm fun! We aspire to give each child the opportunity to smell, touch, but hopefully not taste everything about horses and the farm life! Book now, for your group of kids to get a once in a lifetime experience at the farm, all while being safe and having fun!! “Education is a fine thing, but absolutely nothing beats experience.”

Cost per child: $15 (minimum of 10 kids)


Guidance Through Your Horse Purchase

Are you looking to find the perfect horse for yourself and/or your family?  Overwhelmed at all the descriptions and horse language on ads?  Worried if you can trust the seller?  Wondering what to look for?   We are here to help – Savannah is an experienced horse buyer, and has learned many things the hard way when buying horses.  She knows what to look for, what questions to ask and how to read a horse quickly.  If you would like assistance in finding the right horse for you or just have questions about the process of buying and owning a horse, we are happy to assist you in the process of finding your heart horse!

Equine Assisted Mental Health Treatment

Experience Healing Through Horses

Horses have an energy field 8x stronger then ours, that can directly impact our mood and emotional well-being.  Savannah has her own story of trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety and self-esteem battles. Horses have been a major part of healing for her and her passion is to share the same opportunity with others!

2025 Scholarship Sponsors

A huge thank you to the local businesses that supported our 2025 Equine Assisted Healing program with a generous contribution towards scholarship campaign. Your kindness will make a profound difference in the lives of those seeking healing through horses. Thank you for your heartfelt support🐴❤️

2019 – 2025 © Hoof Prints on the Heart | All rights reserved | Designed by Aponi