ALWAYS be kind!!
I found this encouraging note today in one of my notebooks that I keep in the barn lounge!! I’m sure it’s been there since last summer from one of my lesson parents. I must of missed it in the busyness of summer…but I’m glad I did, because i think I needed it more today on this drab winter day than probably the day it was written♥️ Thank you to whoever wrote this, if you want to reveal yourself…I would love to know who you are?
I’m not posting this to say “go me”. But rather show a great example what a small gesture can mean and that even if you do something that might not be noticed right away — the correct timing will come when it’s meant to be!!
Running a equine business can be challenging mentally and emotionally at times…but it’s kind people like this that inspire me to keep going✨
“Always be kind, because you never know what someone else is going through.”