~ End of 2019 Lesson Season ~
Horse Lessons have officially winded down for our 2019 season. WOW, what a wonderful year of many smiles, building horsemanship skills and so much emotional growth!! This past year I took on more students than I ever have…with over 40 weekly students and a grand total of 92 people on horseback!! Thank you everyone for coming out to enjoy my horses, you make my dream of bringing horse and rider together possible!! Without you, I couldn’t continue doing what I love most!! Also, thank you for your flexibility with schedule changes from many vet visits due to Sheyenne’s Uveitis case. You all were so understanding, which took a load of stress off my shoulders! I am so grateful for all our amazing lesson horses and for being able to share my love for horses with each and everyone one of you! I have some great plans for next year, looking forward to see you all this spring!!