Growth & Change
One of my favorite things about teaching kids is witnessing their growth and change…just over the 4-5months of winter it is crazy to see how much kids mature emotionally, physically and in their skill sets. Last fall, this girl was as driven by fear, very unsure of herself and her surroundings and she would give up when she felt like she couldn’t accomplish something. Fast forward to this Spring and she is miss Indpendent, she applies herself to each part of her horse lesson and is soaking up as much information and horsemanship skills as she can! It is truly amazing to be apart of💞
It got me thinking…how most parents are with their kids every day and don’t notice it like I do. And we as adults don’t see our own growth like we should — No one stops to recognize it in an adult. So, I challenge you to think back and appreciate your growth, because no one else is going to do it for you and there is so much encouragement in reflecting on how far you’ve come…not how far you need to go! Everyone is on a journey and it’s impossible to not grow🤍so appreciate yourself and your journey today!
This ends Savannah’s inspirational thoughts of the day🙂
I say it all the time and I’ll say it again. Horse lessons is so much more than just horsemanship.