It’s okay to not compete.
It’s okay to not compete.
I have a student that only rides her horse at the walk. In her lessons, we work on accurate figures, correctly sized circles, body position and lateral work. We talk about terminology, arena rules, the history of dressage and more.
I have a student that never canters. We work on transitions, geometry, suppleness and more. We have lunge line lesson days where we focus on rider balance and exercises.
I have a student that has no desire to compete. We work on correct basics, different movements, work over ground poles and more. We practice dressage tests as a way to mark progress and to set goals.
Other riders ask these students… Why don’t you trot? Why don’t you canter? When is your next show? All of these are valid questions and I believe it’s important to challenge yourself, to push yourself outside of your comfort zone to learn more and become a better rider.
There is beauty and value in simplicity. If you find peace, happiness and fulfillment in only walking or only brushing your horse right now, that is okay. Give yourself permission without feeling guilty or bad for not doing what other equestrians are doing. You can do those other things, if you want, when you are ready. Everyone has their own individual journey to follow, their own thoughts, feelings, reasons, insecurities and desires and that is okay.
?: Cassidy Brooke Photography