Why do some people have truly happy horses?
Excellent read, reposted from: Brock Griffith Horsemanship.
“Do you ever wonder why some people have truly happy horses ? Horses that never colic, bang on stall doors, misbehave while with you on the ground and under saddle ? It’s not all due to training.
Its because some horses are allowed to be horses. The absolute very best thing you can do for every horse is let them live outside in a herd with constant forage. Let the horse decide with his group when to eat, when to nap under the shelter, when to drink and when to play. Let him learn his place in the herd. Horses do not need humans or our ideas. They need forage, water and oxygen .I hear almost daily from horse owners they they are scared to let their horses outside because they will hurt themselves. So you turn them out 1 hr a day and they go nuts. Meanwhile 23 hours a day their minds are going nuts as you lock them in a stall with “enrichments”. Then they act like fools while you are trying to groom and ride. It’s not the horse, it’s the human routine
Stop feeding your horses at 8 am and 5 pm on the dot everyday. These types of routines create anxiety in horses that leads to stress colic, ulcers, bad behaviors and more. Feed one day at 8 and the next at 820. Mix it up a little and stop making them live on a humans routine that you think is best.
Weve worked with horses that had training as high as competiting in the Olympics but were no longer performing, all they needed was to live outside. In by allowing them to live out, they immediately went back to performing their very best
In this group pictured , you see 2 three year olds and 2 yearlings. They get along like clockwork, everyone has a place and they are living their best life.
Let your horse be a horse , living out not only is mentally healthy but also keeps them in great physical health as well
Were all about happy horses in training and board with us at Brock Griffith horsemanship. We get lots of requests to stall training horses, which we dont do. There is a reason we work with horses and behavior issues of all levels at our facility, we are excellent at finding the source of the problem. Not trying different equipment to make the behavior better with a bandaid. Humas are top quick to cage everything.. horses, dogs and children for lord’s sake. Let these things roam free. For the love of horses, let them be horses. They will literally give you their whole hearts ? ”
** I did immediately remove netting , I just snapped a pic when I put it out**