THE EGG CHALLENGE If you, or someone you know, struggles riding with heavy and harsh hands…here is your fix!! How it works: must hold an egg in each hand while controlling your horse; walk, trot, lope, turn, stop, back, etc. without breaking your eggs! It’s crazy the difference it makes in a rider and in…
Sunrise Photo Shoot
When students come before school, it calls for a mini sunrise photo shoot!! This little 5 year old cowgirl, has quite the determination to come before school to fit horse time into her schedule! She’s going to go far in horsemanship and in life
Boy and Girl Scout Clinic
Pictures of the Boy and Girl Scouts Horsemanship Clinic this past weekend>> It was my honor to teach all these kids about horses, how to take care, groom, saddle and ride a horse. Along with the most common health conditions, horse maintenance and give them the experience of freedom that horses have to offer! MORE…
I will plant Hoof Prints on your soul…
I will dance in your dreams… I will gallop through your heart… I will plant Hoof Prints on your soul…
Learning how to braid
The focus of a 4 year old learning how to braid…it’s intense!
Grit, Determination and Will-Power
I hope these little kiddos never loose their grit, determination and will-power! “Cowgirl up or go sit in the truck”
🌟 The Shining Star 🌟
The Shining Star When you overcome your fears and conquer your goals you shine like a star from the inside too
“If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins…”
“If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins…”
Do it scared. Do it not knowing the outcome. Do it fearful. Whatever you do, just trust yourself enough to believe that you CAN do it
Trick Riding
Trick Riding has always been a passion of mine that I never persued. But I love getting the opportunity to live it out through all my mini trick riders