Goodbyes after lessons is the hardest part for many of the kiddos…
If you’re not having FUN, you’re doing something wrong
One of my main priorities while giving horse lessons, is to make sure I never take the FUN out of horses!! Horses have always been a get-away for me…but also a place for me to grow, build confidence and to challenge myself…always while having fun!
Cash Future
It was a hard decision last fall when I decided to sell cash, one of my barrel horses. But I knew he was ready to retire from chasing cans and that a little girl to love and ride him at a slow pace would be just what he needed! The absolute perfect home came along,…
Conquering fear one step at a time!!
Conquering fear one step at a time!!
Happy Memorial Day🇱🇷
Happy Memorial Day🇱🇷 “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.” — John F. Kennedy Thank you to all who have served and for the sacrifices you have made for our freedom ❤️🤍💙
Happy Birthday Sheyenne!
SHEYENNE Born:May/23/2008 Registered Name: Triple Star Fusion Happy Birthday to my Heart Horse!! Sheyenne you were the first horse I ever fully trained, you taught me so much and are the biggest princess!! You were given to me as an “untrainable horse” when I was just 14years old, we learn together and somehow you became…
Happy Birthday FREDDY BOY
FRED – Born May/20/2007 Registered Name: Solito Wrangler Happy Birthday Freddy Boy!! You are 1 in a million!! You have a heart to please and have the most calming vibe I have experienced in a horse! When a student is struggling with a fear, you put your head low, take a deep breath and are…
Meet Elvis
Elvis, the baby buffalo sure is popular!! Do they come to ride horse or pet Elvis?
“Say cheese, Buck!”
“Say cheese, Buck!” —Justice Today was Justice’s 3rd lesson and she rocked it!! So edifying to see my students grow from week to week…in horsemanship and in personal growth!