New Barn Rules, haha!
Rules around the barn during this covid-19 season?
Is it your door?
“If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door.” Every time you feel you are being rejected from something good, try to think that you are being redirected to something better. It might not happen right away, but it will! Then when you look back on the day that door didn’t open, you’ll appreciate why!
Get Fit With Horses
Get Fit With Horses — coming April 1st 2020!!
Choosing Joy is YOUR choice!
Just a little encouragement this Monday morning! Remember choosing joy is your choice?
Social Distancing
The horses are practicing the 6 foot social distancing with each other?
It’s Nap Time at Hoof Prints on the Heart!
The horses said it’s NAP TIME!! I spy with my little eye, 5 horses that are taking a nap! How many horses do you see taking a nap?
Attention BOY & GIRL SCOUTS!! Earn your horsemanship badge at our horse barn! HoofPrints on the Heart Equine Center invites your troop to visit our barn to learn and experience the world of horse! From learning how to properly groom, tack up and ride a horse. Along with, how much a horse eats and drinks…
Feeling the Spring Air!
• PICTURE OF A LIFETIME • I think it’s safe to say that the boys are feeling Spring Time!!
2020 Newsletters are on the way to YOU!!!
✨ATTENTION STUDENTS✨ HORSE LESSONS NEWSLETTERS are on there way to YOU‼️ ?Spring Season starting April 13th!! ?Summer Season starting May 26th!! Keep an eye on your mailboxes?
March Hippology Class
As always, another great Hippology Meeting last night!! I don’t know if you all have gotten the hint yet, but each and every one of these kids are amazing!! At this months meeting, we learned about a variety of tack, how it’s properly used and the parts of the saddle. Along with, the correct places…