The best kind of mail to receive!
Sometimes I get the most precious things in the mail?♥️❤️ if this doesn’t make your day, idk what will!
Never Give Up On A Dream
Old Photo + Fav Saying = Monday Inspiration: “Never give up on a dream…just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” I hope everyone has a great week✨
The smell of a horse…
The smell of a horse is like aromatherapy✨the best way to enjoy the first evening of longer daylight!
Meeting Fallon Taylor!!
It’s a super exciting Friday!! I got to meet Fallon Taylor, World Champion barrel racer!! She has been a wonderful roll model for me since I started barrel racing!!
My Favorite View!
I’m sorry, but can anyone else appreciate a view like this? It just never gets old?
Update on Drifter
Drifter is feeling so much better!! We are so thankful for modern equine medicine and for knowledgeable veterinarians!!
My Passion!!
“If your lucky enough to have a passion, then work as hard as you can and don’t give up” —Laura Kraut Looking forward to warmer days this spring to continue my passion?
ALWAYS be kind!!
I found this encouraging note today in one of my notebooks that I keep in the barn lounge!! I’m sure it’s been there since last summer from one of my lesson parents. I must of missed it in the busyness of summer…but I’m glad I did, because i think I needed it more today on…
Drifter is a absolute Angel!!
I put Drifter in his stall to feed him, then leave the barn, come back 15 minutes later and he’s done with his feed…just chilling in his stall staring out the open stall door that I forgot to close?♀️ this story pretty much sums up drifter as a horse??he’s as perfect as they come!!
Update from Cash’s new home :)
THIS is what I live for — this is why I love what I do — this is where my passion stems from!! It’s getting text updates like this that make me smile so big? “First ride of the Spring for Emma and Cash!” Thank you Jutila Family for giving Cash a wonderful loving home…