Early Sunset
Anyone else not a fan of how early the sun is setting these days?!
Keep on, Keeping on…
“Never give up on a dream…just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” —Earl Nightingale I am honored to help so many work towards their dreams, goals and passions in life! Keep on, keeping on
“Let it be hard. Let it be scary. And then do it anyway.”
Cody’s passion to learn and grow in horsemanship is inspiring! Cody recently started taking lesson this past Fall, he had absolutely no horse experience coming into his first lesson…he said that just being around a horse at was a stretch for him at his first lesson. Every lesson Cody comes prepared to overcome challenges, ready…
Sunset Riding
We may not like the fact that daylight is getting less and less each day…but it sure does make for majestic lessons
The art of riding horse
“Think of riding as a science, but love it as an art.” -George Morris So thankful for a dry week to get all the lessons and horseback riding!