Deworming Reminder!!
Reminder to deworm your horses we’ve had some nice hard freezes so now is the best time
How to make the most out of the snow >>
When it snows you have two choices: Shovel or make Snow Angels
I truly love my job
I don’t have many pics of me doing what I love…but it’s Monday morning and I just wanted to hop on and say that I truly love my job horses + people = my favorite thing in life
Stella has a bright future!!
I’ve been working with Stella on the daily for the last 3months and she is now ready to start giving lessons! I have to say I’m pretty proud of the lesson horse she has become already, especially for being 7yrs old. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her and her willing…
Sunset Riding
We may not like the fact that daylight is getting less and less each day…but it sure does make for majestic lessons
It’s just a horse…
When people say “it’s just a horse” they just don’t understand. A bond, a friendship, a partnership
The Beautiful Journey of Esther and Bingo
Bingo has been giving lessons to his previous owner and it’s a beautiful thing! Due to Bingos previous time off, leading to some behavioral problems and along with Esthers time out of the saddle resulting in lack of confidence…they were not a good match. Hence why he was rehomed here at Hoof Prints Stables. But…
Monday Reminder >
MONDAY REMINDER “If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” — Zig Ziglar Just one of the many mottos that we use around the barn
When he looks in the mirror…
When others see him in the mirror, they see a little boy. When he looks into the mirror, he sees the man he aspires to be.
Smiles All Around from HAV-IT Services
This past week we had a group from HAV-IT services come out to the ranch and I think it’s safe to say, it was smiles all around!! The gift that horses have to offer, is a beautiful thing