Headed out to get a new horse!!
Any guesses on what we are on our way to get??
Horseback Riding and Equine Events
Any guesses on what we are on our way to get??
Commas are important: No more horses. No, more horses. EVERYONE, MEET BING
*more info to come on Bing and his purpose here at Hoof Prints Stables soon! Stay tuned!*
Can anyone guess what January‘s 4H Hippology Meeting is about tonight? Did you know that you can identify the age of a horse by their teeth?
Did You Know??… Signing up for horse lessons has no commitment? We offer everything form just a single lesson to see what it’s like or the occasional summer time fun on horseback. To weekly lessons where you get the opportunity to build horsemanship skills and a bond with a horse on the our regular lesson…
Dreams are attainable, step by step, stirrup by stirrup, starting again and again, until you have reached your goal.
Did You Know??… We occasionally sell one of our quality horses. If you are in the market of looking for a horse, let us know! We also offer consultation; if you would like assistance in finding the perfect horse for you or have questions about the process of buying and owning a horse…we are here…
DID YOU KNOW??… Savannah is a certified Emergency Medical Responder. She is employed on the Hillsboro Ambulance Service and also volunteers on the Aneta Quick Response Unit. People have always been a passion of Savannah’s, and she says: “being able to help people on what can be the worst day of their lives, is so…